Turbobit Premium Account: A Top Platform for Secure Cloud Storage and Crazy Fast File-Sharing in 2020

Turbobit is a cloud storage and file-sharing platform . Through Turbobit, you can upload and download files as well as share them with other people using links. Your files are safe with strong data protection measures, and you can customize who sees them.

Because of its superior speed and storage capabilities, Turbobit stands out from other similar services. Download speed can reach up to 1 Gb / s, with unlimited storage space for Turbobit Premium members . Special features such as download managers and FTP uploading are included. Conveniently, you can use its file-sharing functions for free and even without registering. All in all, TurboBit is user-friendly, speedy, and practical-not to mention that’s the potential to earn money through commissions.  

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  • Get started for free, without even signing up   
  • Enjoy fast file sharing, uploading, and downloading at speeds up to 1 Gb / s 
  • Store as many files as you want because there are no limits on storage 
  • Upload files from your computer, phone, tablet, or even through FTP and other websites 
  • Handle individual files as large as 100 Gb for Premium and 200 MB for free users 
  • Use a desktop app for extremely efficient uploading
  • Resume downloading after interruptions and integrate popular download managers search as GoZilla and Google File Download Manager
  • Earn money without commissions and shared downloads
  • Join a large community of international users from the US, Japan, France, and many other countries
  • Communicate with a reliable support team for questions and concerns 


You have three options with Turbobit:

  • Use it anonymously without registering
  • Register for free
  • Sign up for Turbobit Premium 

Each animal comes with its own features, so free users can do basic file-sharing while Turbobit Premium users have access to the most advanced features .  

Anonymous user

Anonymous users can upload, download and share files . While they will not be able to access their general storage area, they will receive links for each file. If you’re an anonymous user, keep the link around so you will not loose access to the file. After 7 days from the last download, files will be deleted automatically.  

Free Registration

Users who register for free can use their methods and upload through other methods as FTP and URL. But unlike Turbobit Premium, the download speed is much slower, and you’re limited to downloading or uploading 5 Gb a day. There’s an additional waiting time ranging from 30 seconds to a few minutes. The storage period for files is 30 days after the most recent download.  

This is the ideal option if you are not going to use TurboBit extensively and you will only be handling small files.    

Turbobit Premium

Premium users can get the most out of Turbobit. With Turbobit Premium, your download speed can rocket up to 1 Gb/s, depending on how much your provider can handle. You can transfer single files as large as 100 Gb/s, and parallel downloading becomes possible, where multiple files are downloaded simultaneously for faster processing. Files can stay on your account for 60 days after the most recent download. 

If you’re handling large files or if you rely frequently on file-sharing, then Turbobit Premium will work great for you. On top of the increase in speed and storage, you won’t have to deal with ads, you can resume downloading after interruptions, and your files will be more protected because of malware and virus scanning. 

What makes Turbobit Premium even more appealing is that you can choose from five different payment plans:


All of these amount to a very low cost per day, and it’s low-risk too because you can always try out the one-week trial first.

Summary: Free vs. Premium Users

To sum up the differences between free users and Turbo users:

Free vs. Premium Users

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Earning from Turbobit

A nice benefit of Turbobit is you can easily make passive income when people download your files. Turbobit has partnered up with CostAction to create a long-running affiliate program. You get paid $40 for every 1000 downloads, and some people even earn a full weekly wage from this at $1000! You also earn money when people sign up for Turbobit Premium through your downloads.  

Getting Started with Turbobit

You can freely access Turbobit from both desktop and mobile.

If it’s your first time, using it via your laptop or desktop will be more comfortable. The homepage looks like this: 

Getting Started with Turbobit

Using Turbobit without an account

Simply click the Upload File button at the top, then you’ll be redirected to the upload page.

Using Turbobit without an account

It’s fairly intuitive, so you can go straight to uploading your file. Although you can’t access the file storage area, you’ll receive a link to your file that you can share right away with other people. 

Registering an account

If you’d rather register, the process will just take you around a minute. Click the orange Registration button at the upper right part of the homepage. 

A form will pop up, asking for your email and password. Once you’ve filled that out, you’ll be taken straight to the file storage area.

Registering an account

Congratulations, you already have a registered account! As you can see, there are three default folders. Inbox is where your main files are usually located, while there’s also additional space for deleted files and files that have been confiscated because they violate the rules.

From here, you can go straight to uploading files. Because you’ve registered, you can go ahead and download a desktop app for Windows.  

Signing up for Turbo Access

To become a Turbo Access member, click the Turbo access link at the top of the page, next to the white Upload File button. You’ll then see this page:

Sign up for Turbo Access

From here, choose your membership type. There are several options for payment, from popular gateways like Visa and Paypal to even newer methods like Bitcoin. As a bonus for signing up, you get a 25% discount when you renew. Note that your subscription automatically renews, but you can easily cancel it anytime.

If you’re already registered to your account, it’ll convert automatically to Turbobit Premium, and you’ll notice the difference in download speed right away. But if you subscribed to Turbobit Premium as an unregistered user, you’ll receive a Premium code that you can activate on the same payment page.   

Are there ways to get a Premium account for free?

Instead of signing up directly for Turbobit Premium, you can actually get it for free through survey websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie. These reward you with cash cards, coupons, and more once you answer a survey. Although it’ll require a bit of trial-and-error, one of those rewards might be free access to Turbobit Premium! There are also premium link generators that give you a free username and password, but it’s unlikely that these will work on the official Turbobit platform. 

How Turbobit Works


Uploading can be as simple as drag-and-drop or clicking a button then locating the file on your device.

Aside from these standard methods, registered users can also upload files through FTP, URL, or API. In other words, it’s possible to transfer files directly from other websites or through other file sharing services. 

FTP Uploading

To do FTP uploading, you need Filezilla or other popular FTP managers. For authorization, you’ll find your username and password the FTP upload page. If another person wants to send you files through FTP, there’s the option to create a second FTP account to keep your original authorization details private. 

Users can transfer as much as 100 GB all at once, although this is spaced apart at 10 GB maximum every 10 minutes. For Turbobit Premium users, FTP transfer is much faster.


To provide optimum service to all users, Turbobit is very systematic with downloading. Turbo Access users are given top priority, but they’re limited to 500 files at most per day. Although it’s unlikely that you’ll see the need to exceed that, you can reach out to customer support in exceptional situations.

On the other hand, free users are still taken into consideration. Turbobit makes sure to connect you with the file server that’s closest to you for faster downloading. Aside from that, all free users have equal opportunity. In general, a lot of factors determine the waiting time, but the most important is the size of the file you’ve downloaded before. For larger files, the waiting time for your next download will take longer, so it’s more advisable to start with small files to minimize delays.

When Files Get Deleted

Of course, you can delete files as normal, but if your files violate company rules or country laws, they may get taken down from your account. Examples of these are copyright restrictions, files with viruses, or pyramid scheme promotions. In this case, they’ll end up in the blacklist folder with an inaccessible format. Your files might also be deleted when their storage time has expired          

Data Safety and Privacy

Data safety is a top concern for users of all file-sharing platforms. Since Turbobit handles extremely large files, they’ve made sure to double down on data privacy and protection. Data is absolutely confidential, and your personal information is encrypted. Additionally, deleting a file requires a security code. To deter hackers, wrong log-ins are only allowed ten times, and after that, the account will be locked.      

For Questions and Concerns

For questions and concerns, try checking out the detailed FAQ first. After that, feel free to email the support team at [email protected] or submit a ticket through the Support Center. The best days to contact support are Monday to Saturday, from 12 AM to 6 PM.  


There’s no doubt that file-sharing on the cloud is the future. More files are being uploaded and shared digitally each year. In 2019, cloud storage has already become an absolute essential for businesses, institutions, and even individuals—more or less everyone who’s online.     

Turbobit excels at fulfilling your file-sharing and cloud storage needs. It’s easy to use, with “crazy” download speeds and massive storage space. Unlike most file-sharing services, you don’t even need to register to start using it. On top of that, you can send huge files in a matter of seconds through Turbobit Premium, which costs very little per day. Its extra features provide added convenience, from FTP uploading to resumed downloading after interruptions. Another advantage is that you can earn extra money just from people downloading your files.

Known for being secure and fast, Turbobit has already been around for a while, and it’s just ramping up in the years ahead. Whether you’re a free or paid user, you’ll benefit from Turbobit’s strong file-sharing services . And if you’re struggling with large files, then TurboBit Premium wants to fulfill your needs and more, allowing you to make transfers at amazing speeds.

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